“Witness the birth of the first Carbon Miner that is enabled by direct air to carbon capture technology”

Anticipated release date, July of 2023

Reserve yours for a better tomorrow
$500 USD Deposit

Ozone Vision

“Ozone Visions decentralizes Carbon capture and Lets its users take personal responsibility for their own fiber foot print.”

Ozone vision awards a crypto currency from Carbon Capture where carbon can be mined from the air in your own home. Statistics of each users carbon positive impact can be tracked and then validated on a block chain via peer to peer validation where users can track their own carbon negative impact, compare with others and be rewarded with a real tangible Ozone coin.

Meet the Team

CEO Ryan Lafler set out on a mission to tackle what he sees in the greatest tech race of our time which is saving the planet. In his eyes we are literally poisoning ourselves.

“Ozone Visions decentralizes Carbon capture

and let’s it’s users take personal responsibility for their own fiber foot print.”
